Questions from AMA on 29th of April, collected by @Simp4Rent:. 1 How many projects are lined up waiting to use bagbot.

06 May 2023, 20:38
Questions from AMA on 29th of April, collected by @Simp4Rent: 1 How many projects are lined up waiting to use bagbot 2. i was thinking about possible ways of progress ... were you considering doing something like launchpad? 3. Can someone from the team explain how will the Twitter API monetization work 4. do we have some ETA when bot will be released ? 5. what are future plans with NFT? Team responses: 1. There are currently more than 40 requests, but because public release is coming up we stopped taking any more. Soon nearly every project will be able to use it! 2. A launchpad is not currently on the roadmap as most pads dont provide significant value, and we will have to be sure we can add real value to projects or that our community is really interested in it 3. Twitter monetization will work through our T2E platform which will basically rewarding organic engagement with teh Bag's clients on Twitter. More info will be shared after BagBot goes public. 4. There is no official ETA but we are in final testing phases. Definitely expect big news within this very month! 5. Our NFTs have been a huge success in terms of ROI as our airdrops so far achieved a total of more than 100% ROI for every NFT purchaser on average. The NFTs will also be tightly integrated into the T2E platform and more info will be shared after the public release